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 Joel Polanco


After 15 years of working in a large tech company I found myself receiving a lot of questions about product, strategy, and career. One of the most fulfilling things for me is to hear "I didn't think about that, thank you for pointing that out." So, I started writing and advising in my spare time in 2021. Since then, I've had the opportunity to work with over a dozen individuals and companies on a range of topics. I enjoy talking about customer discovery, technology, product management, and personal growth.


I find customer discovery to be the most rewarding and impactful for my customers. Therefore after many inspirational conversations with my wife, I decided to pursue my passion, double down and start my own customer discovery business.

I'm experienced in B2B product management, segment marketing, enterprise IoT, semiconductors, and go-to-market strategy. I'm known for building trust amongst team members and stakeholders by crafting user-centric strategies and putting those strategies into action.

If you are struggling with your customer discovery efforts, I know I will be able to help you.

Please click on the button below if would like to book a free consultation or if you would like to talk about another topic of interest.


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